How to generate service .class files in rosjava?
I am new to ros and rosjava. I am going through basic tutrials of ros and rosjava. I have followed below steps. 1. Created a rosjava pakage.> mkdir -p myjava/src> cd myjava/src>...
View ArticleWhat arguments for rospy.ServiceProxy ?
Hello, I would want to call a service using python. Currently this command line is working : rosservice call /camera/start_capture but I can't figure out how to do the same thing with python. I...
View ArticleHow to get IK response for user provided pose in MoveIt(Baxter)
Below is the code snippet of provided for Baxter SDK rospy.init_node("rsdk_ik_service_client") ns = "ExternalTools/" + limb + "/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService" iksvc =...
View ArticleIK - Invalid pose every single time for Baxter
def Compute_IKin(limb, seed_name, seed_pos, pose): # ROS Params initalization print "inside IK" embed() ns = "ExternalTools/" + limb + "/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService" iksvc =...
View ArticleProper way of calling service in rospy
I have designed a service and I am using it without any problem. However, I am having doubt about the client implementation in rospy. I am calling this service many times and hence, I am concerned...
View Articleservice statistics
Does anyone know a possibility to observe the number of service calls in a ros system, similar to the rostopic tools echo/bw/rate for messages? I know the rosservice tools but there I can't observe...
View ArticleError on calling a rosservice
Im trying to enable `hector_quadrotor` motors' on throught code: int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, ROS_PACKAGE_NAME); ros::NodeHandle nh; ros::ServiceClient enable_motors =...
View ArticleERROR: Service [/spawn] is not available.
I have the following launch file: I am getting the error as given in title, sometimes it spawns 2 turtle, sometimes 3 with the error. Can anyone explain this weired behavior?
View Articlehandling asynchronous data in a service call
How do I design my ros::spin (and friends) when a service callback requires that I wait for for a topic before I can reply? For example: The application needs to get a certain parameter from a node....
View ArticleChanging a variable inside a running node
I'm trying to change a variable that sets the speed of a robot after it has been initialized with a specific value, say 0.5. After some time passes, I require to change the value to, say 1. How can I...
View ArticleAdvertise service from nodelets
I am trying to advertise a service from the nodelet. I am able to get the topic publisher/subscriber working fine, but the service is not being advertised. Platform: Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic Here's...
View ArticleHow to make call to multiple services in parallel?
I have 4 services which have are completely independent of each other. I want to call them in parallel from another ros node. But the all service call end consuming the time that they would use in...
View Articleyaml error in rosservice call
Hi! I have a service defined as: string name uint8 some_int string a_file string[] array_of_strings float32[] array_of_floats float32[] array_of_floats_two --- bool successful And I am not able to...
View ArticleCalling service to UR I/O while performing shutdown
Hi, I am wondering if I can detect shutdown (for example by pressing ctrl+c) and send service before it closes down. I have a light connected to ur5's controller I/O and at the start of my program i am...
View ArticleRosservice doesn't show up when running server script
I'm getting a really weird error with a script I'm testing. import logging import os import subprocess import sys import gphoto2 as gp import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Empty from nav_msgs.msg...
View ArticleIs it possible to call a service from a callback function of a subcriber
My idea now is to use subscriber to obtain data ( nav_msgs::Path), and then pass it as a service request to a ros service server. Is this method possible? Do I need to consider the thread. Thank you!!
View ArticleHow to identify same joint name in different robot when using ros service call?
I created three robots (robot_1, robot_2, robot_3) in one simulation which are identical. Those robots share the same link names and same joint names. When I call ros service, for example [rosservice...
View ArticleCan ROS service have union as data type
Hi I want to define ROS service taking two arguments.First argument is type and second argument type depends on type. For example if type = 1 then argument2 is CustomMsg1, if type = 2 then argument2...
View ArticleCan rosservice commands be used on topics
I saw the following line in [this wiki tutorial on ROS services and parameters](> rosservice has many commands that can be used on...
View ArticleHow to delete the default turtle that is created using turtlesim in ros?
How do I proceed to do that? I would like to use rosservice call /kill " 'name_of_the_turtle' " Where do I find the name of the turtle?
View ArticleChanging MPC_XY_VEL_MAX in flight, in offboard, with python script
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to change the MPC_XY_VEL_MAX parameter in the px4 parameters via this code: At the top I have: from mavros_msgs.srv import * Then in a function under a class called...
View ArticleROS Service global name not defined
I am trying to make my node a ROS service which gets triggered when it receives boolean value of true, thus I have added the following to its constructor: self.imgproc_srv =...
View Articlecatkin_make issue updating .srv and .cpp file simultaneously
Think of a situation where rosnode (written in c++) is using messages generated by a .srv file. You want to add a field to the .srv file and use it in the rosnode. If you make these changes...
View ArticleIn which order are callback functions in a node which offers a service and...
I want to use a node that both offers a service and subscribes to a topic. If, when ros::spin() is called I have both a new message in the topic and a request from the service, which callback function...
View ArticleCall a rosservice from inside another rosservice
Hi, I want to have a rosservice, “/update_goal” for example, which takes goal position (x, y, theta) as request. Once the goal is given as input, the agent should request planner for a path.I have...
View Articlerosservice geometry_msgs/Posearray example
So, I'm getting an array of poses from the robot(from a python script say And I want this array of poses to be used in another python script( I would like to use rosservice to...
View ArticleCalling predefined service from python script
Hi all, I am wondering how to pass an arguments when trying to call rosservice from python script. I have this server called bcap_service which takes 2 arguments. (This is bcap.srv) int32 func_id...
View ArticleService server and client in python following tutorial does not work
I'm trying to make a service that I could call to change a pose of a robotic arm using MoveIt!. I follow [this tutorial](, but I get...
View ArticleRECALLED: This goal was canceled because another goal was recieved by the...
I am running a service that is using `moveit_commander` for planning and executing a Cartesian trajectory with the panda robotic arm. It seems, that a few seconds after initialization of the moveit...
View ArticleERROR: Unable to communicate with service [/clear], address...
Hi, I'm a freshman for ROS. Here I meet a problem as shown in the title: ERROR: Unable to communicate with service [/clear], address [rosrpc://xxx-GP62MVR-6RF:36963] when I type the "rosservice type...
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