Changing MPC_XY_VEL_MAX in flight, in offboard, with python script
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to change the MPC_XY_VEL_MAX parameter in the px4 parameters via this code: At the top I have: from mavros_msgs.srv import * Then in a function under a class called...
View ArticleROS Service global name not defined
I am trying to make my node a ROS service which gets triggered when it receives boolean value of true, thus I have added the following to its constructor: self.imgproc_srv =...
View Articlecatkin_make issue updating .srv and .cpp file simultaneously
Think of a situation where rosnode (written in c++) is using messages generated by a .srv file. You want to add a field to the .srv file and use it in the rosnode. If you make these changes...
View ArticleIn which order are callback functions in a node which offers a service and...
I want to use a node that both offers a service and subscribes to a topic. If, when ros::spin() is called I have both a new message in the topic and a request from the service, which callback function...
View ArticleCall a rosservice from inside another rosservice
Hi, I want to have a rosservice, “/update_goal” for example, which takes goal position (x, y, theta) as request. Once the goal is given as input, the agent should request planner for a path.I have...
View Articlerosservice geometry_msgs/Posearray example
So, I'm getting an array of poses from the robot(from a python script say And I want this array of poses to be used in another python script( I would like to use rosservice to...
View ArticleCalling predefined service from python script
Hi all, I am wondering how to pass an arguments when trying to call rosservice from python script. I have this server called bcap_service which takes 2 arguments. (This is bcap.srv) int32 func_id...
View ArticleService server and client in python following tutorial does not work
I'm trying to make a service that I could call to change a pose of a robotic arm using MoveIt!. I follow [this tutorial](, but I get...
View ArticleRECALLED: This goal was canceled because another goal was recieved by the...
I am running a service that is using `moveit_commander` for planning and executing a Cartesian trajectory with the panda robotic arm. It seems, that a few seconds after initialization of the moveit...
View ArticleERROR: Unable to communicate with service [/clear], address...
Hi, I'm a freshman for ROS. Here I meet a problem as shown in the title: ERROR: Unable to communicate with service [/clear], address [rosrpc://xxx-GP62MVR-6RF:36963] when I type the "rosservice type...
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